Memozine version release history
Below is a list of the different versions of Memozine that have been released so far.
Version 1.5
Includes the following new features and improvements:
It is now possible to add video and audio content as well as images to diary entries and
User interface now available in French as well as English.
It is now possible to choose an alternative style for the note properties icon that is
displayed on the left hand side of a diary entry or note.
Improved readability of the selected item in the Activities and Entity Types sub-panels in
the Activities and Related Entities panel of the Control Window
Also includes corrections for the following problems:
An error occurred when adding a new type of entity general information attribute and
choosing to reuse an existing attribute definition of which the values are references to
geographical locations
Version 1.4
Includes the following new features and improvements:
It is now possible to export a diary page, an entity profile page or a query result page
to a PDF document, which can then be viewed, shared or printed outside of Memozine.
It is now possible to export data from a list of entities returned by a query to a CSV
(comma-separated values) file, which can then be imported into a spreadsheet application.
It is now possible to record default details for links created within diary entries and
notes, which can speed up the process of entering link details when setting up similar
links on a regular basis.
The application can now be minimised to the Windows Taskbar.
Also includes corrections for the following problems:
The text area of a diary entry or note was incorrectly sized when image content was added
both on the right hand side of the text and below the text.
The radio buttons could not be checked when entering the value of a general information
item that takes Yes/No values.
The application terminated abnormally if the user entered in the Calendar panel of the
Control Window a date earlier than 01/01/1753 or later than 31/12/9998.
Insufficient highlighting of text boxes in which an invalid value has been entered.
Version 1.3
Includes the following new features and improvements:
When sorting the results of a query that returns both diary entries and notes about
entities, it is now possible to specify whether notes about entities should be
displayed before diary entries.
It is now possible to save to an external file an image that has been included in a
diary entry, note or entity profile.
It is now possible to modify the key attribute associated with an activity-related
entity type ("group by" attribute) even when entities of that type already exist.
There are now options for the format in which are displayed attribute values that
are references to geographical locations.
Also includes corrections for the following problems:
Incorrect date displayed when editing a link to a diary page if the text of the link
is not a string representation of the originally selected date.
The displayed diary entries or notes were not correctly updated after cutting a
child diary entry or note from one parent and pasting it as a child of a different
Queries searching for diary entries containing a reference of a particular type to
any entity were slow to execute.
Version 1.2
Includes the following new features and improvements:
New "web site address" general information attribute type.
New query criterion to search for diary entries or notes that are children of diary
entries or notes that meet specific criteria.
New functionality allowing the user to specify the order in which the results of a
query must be displayed.
New functionality allowing the user to specify the order in which relationships are
displayed in the profile page of a person or organisation.
Text search functionality enabling the user, having selected some text in a diary
entry or note, to find all occurrences of the same text in other diary entries and
Improvements to the drop-down link boxes in the Add New Link dialogue window.
When adding a link in a diary entry or note to an activity-related entity of which
the name matches the selected text, the fields in the Add New Link dialogue window
are now pre-populated with default values.
Also includes corrections for the following problems:
When setting selected text as a link in a diary entry or note, the link was in some
cases created on new text inserted after the originally selected text instead of
that text being converted to a link.
When copying text containing a link to an activity-related entity from one diary
entry to another, the new link was not created correctly.
Incorrect handling of the expanded/collapsed state of child diary entries of which
the parent spans multiple diary dates.
A query searching for diary entries or notes containing the whole text of an
existing diary entry or note could not find that diary entry or note.
Database error when attempting to delete an entity type on which one or several
queries are dependent.
Database error when attempting to delete the definition of a diary statistic that
has been included in a statistics report exported to a spreadsheet.
Database error when attempting to reuse the old name of a Group or Activity entity
that has been renamed.
When adding to an entity profile page a general information item that takes Yes/No
values, the attribute was not saved if its default value (No) was left unchanged.
Version 1.1
Includes corrections for the following problems:
Database access problem that occasionally caused the application to
terminate abnormally.
Error when attempting to insert a link at the beginning or the end of a
paragraph within a diary entry or note.
Could not change the name of an organisation entity.
Version 1.0